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She loves a Monkey’s Uncle
Such a delightful find yesterday. Came up on a Spotify playlist that my wife Simone was listening to.
Well, I don’t care what the whole world thinks
Call us a couple of Missing Links
Love all these monkeyshines
Every day is Valentine’s
I love the monkey’s uncle
And the monkey’s uncle’s ape for me.
I should have recognized those harmonies for the Beach Boys. And written by the brothers who wrote “It’s A Small World”!
UPDATE: The Sherman Brothers also wrote all of the music for Mary Poppins AND the 1974 musical adaptation of Huckleberry Finn. Apparently, everything in life leads — eventually — back to Mark Twain and Huckleberry Finn. Here’s their song “Cairo, Illinois” performed by Paul Winfield (as Jim) and Jeff East (as Huck):
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Andrew Bird’s gorgeous new album inspired by the LA River
I can’t help but imagine this music as the soundtrack to Huck and Miguel’s escape down the river.